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life insurance

If you have had a policy for a long time, we have products where you can have the death benefit and cash value, not just one or the other.
We spend a lot of time discussing Life Insurance with our clients. Most people over 65 have had the same policy for 30 – 40 years, and feel that since they are over 65, they are stuck with it.

Did you know… With most policies, you do not get the death benefit and the cash value? You get one or the other.

The truth is that you aren’t stuck with your policy because there are products where you can have the death benefit and a cash value. Even if you have had a policy for a long time.

Some things to consider before you buy Life Insurance 

When deciding what type of life insurance to buy, the most important things to consider are your financial goals and how much money you’ll need to accomplish them. There are different types of life insurance, so understanding why you want a policy is crucial. Also, goals change, you may have purchased a policy in the past, but life events may require a different approach.

Before buying a policy:

  1. If you already have a policy, ask your advisor to review it with you. Sometimes there are better options that may not have been available to you before.
  2. Ask your advisor to shop around and compare monthly premiums and death benefit coverage to ensure you’re getting the best policy for your budget and financial goals.
  3. Be sure to read the fine print carefully to note important details, such as which causes of death aren’t covered and what will happen if you can’t pay premiums.

Different Types of Life Insurance  

Many people have told me over the years that they weren’t sure what the different types of life insurance were and how each of them worked. People are also often concerned that they are getting the most value and best benefit they can for their hard-earned money. It can seem confusing at first. But I’m going to explain it to you in a way that is simple to understand.

Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance is a straightforward insurance policy with relatively low premium payments and a fixed death benefit. They can be set up in terms ranging from 1 to 30 years.

Term life allows people to protect loved ones during higher risk periods of their lives. If someone is pre-retirement, has bought a house, has children living at home, or who needs a lot of insurance at an affordable rate, term life is potentially a very valuable product.

Because term life policies end after a certain period, many people outlive their insurance policy. In fact, the payout of term life policies is only between 1% and 5%.

Pros of Term Life Insurance

  • Least expensive policies available
  • Simple and straightforward to buy
  • There are some “no-exam” policies available under certain circumstances (known as “simplified” life but will have higher premiums)

Cons of Term Life Insurance

  • No investment opportunity or cash value
  • The term may end before your need does

Who should get term life insurance?

  • Younger clients or clients with children at home – Starting a family can be a big financial responsibility. Your contributions to your family (financial and otherwise) will be missed if you die. Life insurance can’t replace you as a parent, but it can replace some of your financial contributions. Many parents choose a term life policy that will cover them until their youngest child gets through college.child gets through college.
  • Pre-retirement clients
    • Clients who need a lot of insurance at an affordable rate – There’s a saying in the life insurance industry: the best policy is the one you can afford. Getting a policy with lifelong protection or added investment opportunities may be right for some people but too expensive for others. If it’s term life or nothing, term insurance is a logical choice.
    • The homeowner – Owning a home is one of the most significant financial risks you’ll ever take. To make sure that the mortgage can still be paid if you die, some homeowners take out a term life policy for the length of their loan.

The bottom line is that term life insurance can be a simple, low-cost option for many people.

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